Forever Young

Wednesday, March 12, 2014 ? 0 Atashinchi ?

Assalamualaikum..long time no post.. dah lama rasanya aku tak post apa-apa dalam blog ni..maklumlah kerja and malas nak upload.. why i post this..because 1 week left and i will got my result,,i feel very afraid but redha ja apa yang Allah bagi..aku selaku hamba kena redha apa yang diberinya,,sebab semua dah ditentukan,,olehnya..

1 week to go lah..nak jumpa kawan..nak gather-gather balik,,sembang..buat bising..gelak-gelak. Seriously miss them so much.. I hope that i will got a good result.. i"m not afraid of my feelings but my parents feeling..
maybe they did not say in front of me that they dissapointed but i know their feeling.. i did not know what to write actually

Let i told to you..sepanjang menunggu keputusan SPM.i been close with Zatulhusna,Bahjah,Amalina..they been so close to me..many stories i told to them..jpj..driving class,no internet connection,,what you eating??what are you doing?? just like other friends..they been good to me.. they so beautiful..i hope that i can be friend with them until jannah.. love them so much...

Just love to be friend with them..nice to talk.. i hope that one day when we are became adult..attend antara satu sama lain wedding..get children..gather-gather..picnic,,with them together..just happy to see them smile..with their smile..i could smile also.. 

if they read my post i would like to say that if your result not good enough..i hope that we can still became friend..i love you my friends..thanks kerana sudi berkawan dengan aku..even aku tahu,,aku tak secantik cinderella,tak sepandai mukhlis,tak sekaya bill gates,..thanks a lot..

Thanks for reading :)

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